Here at Blue Mind Co. we tell stories. Sometimes our stories take the form of the written word. Sometimes our stories are ones you can watch. And sometimes we even create atmospheres that allow you to take home stories of your own. No matter the medium, we feel that good stories are the engine of the human spirit and when done well should evoke a sense of awe and wonder. With that said, here’s my story:

Growing up I drank from the hose, got sunburned and loved being in the water - fresh, salty, frozen or chlorinated, it didn’t matter. Without rhyme or reason water has influenced almost every major decision I have made in my life. And yet, for the past couple decades spreadsheets, emails and fluorescent lighting attempted to convince me otherwise. Nothing wrong with those things, but what I have found they do not need to be held in the dominant hand, nor the leading foot.

Start with the story you are making. What do you have to say? What are you going to make? Who are you going to give it to? With this as your starting point, often times, everything else has a funny way of falling into its appropriate place.

If we can help you identify a couple good stories of your own just fill out the interest card below and someone will be in touch with you!